2024年12月8日,大连理工大学的30名奖学金获得者和三位带队老师组成团队,来到 Weston Robot 开展了一次富有教育意义的企业研学活动。这群优秀的学生和老师不远千里来到新加坡,对 Weston Robot 的尖端技术进行了全面了解,并积极参与了现场展示和互动环节。
Photo: Technical Briefing and Indoor Robot Demonstration
在活动中,Weston Robot 热情接待了师生一行,并展示了公司的多款创新机器人产品。其中包括具备轮式移动能力的 Robot Dog B2-Wheel、专注于高稳定性和灵活性的 Robot Dog GO2-Leg,以及高度智能化的 Humanoid Robot G1。不仅如此,学生们还在专业工程师的指导下,亲自尝试操作这些机器人,切身体验了机器人技术的魅力和实际应用的灵活性。这种实践操作让学生们更加直观地感受到机器人在技术层面上的先进性,也极大激发了他们的学习兴趣。
Photo: Outdoor Demonstration of Robot Dog B2-Wheel
在体验过程中,学生们与 Weston Robot 的工程师展开了深入的技术交流,提出了许多具有创新性和前瞻性的问题。例如,有学生询问机器人在工业巡检和安防领域的应用优势,也有人关注人形机器人在未来生活场景中的潜力。这些讨论让活动气氛活跃,学生们的求知欲和创造力也得到了充分展现,同时工程师们对他们的热情和智慧给予了高度评价。
Photo: Interactive Session with Humanoid Robot G1
此次研学活动不仅为大连理工大学的师生提供了宝贵的实践学习机会,也让 Weston Robot 展示了其在机器人技术领域的领先地位和教育推广能力。活动结束后,师生们纷纷表示,此次参观让他们对机器人技术及其应用前景有了更加全面和深入的了解,并期待未来能有更多类似的交流学习机会。
Group Photo: 大连理工大学Group Photo with Robot Dog and Humanoid Robot G1
- 12-20Weston Robot has partnered with VIT-AP University through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to foster collaboration in research, innovation, and knowledge exchange. The agreement enables VIT-AP students to gain hands-on experience at Weston Robot, enhancing their technical skills and industry readiness. Key areas of collaboration include joint research, curriculum development, and hosting technology-focused events. Both parties aim to support startups, promote entrepreneurship, and address societal challenges like waste management through innovative solutions. This partnership bridges academia and industry, empowering future innovators while advancing sustainable technologies and reinforcing Weston Robot’s leadership in robotics
- 12-08
大连理工大学师生参观 Weston Robot,体验尖端机器人技术
2024年12月8日,大连理工大学的30名奖学金获得者和三位老师参观了 Weston Robot,开展了一次富有教育意义的研学活动。活动中,Weston Robot 展示了多款先进机器人,包括 Robot Dog B2-Wheel、GO2-Leg 和 Humanoid Robot G1。学生们认真聆听技术讲解,观看机器人演示,并积极与工程师交流,探讨机器人技术的实际应用和未来发展。此次活动不仅增强了学生们对机器人技术的理解,还展示了 Weston Robot 在机器人领域的领先地位,师生们对此次体验赞不绝口,并期待更多类似的学习机会。 - 10-23
Serangoon Garden Secondary School Students Visit Weston Robot for Educational Learning Journey
Weston Robot recently hosted students from Serangoon Garden Secondary School for an educational learning journey focused on robotics. The visit began with an introduction to the Modular Robot, a flexible system composed of reconfigurable modules designed to perform various robotic tasks. Students then experienced demonstrations of the Robot Dog – GO2, known for its agility and versatility, and the Exoskeleton, which enhances human performance in physically demanding tasks. Throughout the visit, students had the opportunity to operate the robots, providing a hands-on learning experience that sparked their interest in robotics and its future applications.
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